You have beautiful eyes! Did you know, they’re the window to the soul? Well, just like your eyes act as a window, so does your tongue. Your tongue is the window to your digestive health.
Chances are, if you eat well and digest food properly then your tongue looks something like the one in the photo on the left – pink and smooth. If your tongue looks more like the picture on the right though, red flags should rise.
Having a white-coated tongue usually indicates that you aren’t digesting food very well. As a result, bad bacteria and yeast grow at an alarming rate. That yeast is called Candida.
What Is Candida?
Candida is a normal fungus (which is a form of yeast). Everyone’s body produces a small amount of Candida that lives in their mouth and intestines. When in proper levels, Candida actually aids with nutrient absorption and digestion. If this type of yeast is overproduced, however, it can break down the wall of your digestive tract and penetrate the bloodstream. This releases toxic byproduct into your system, leading to leaky gut.
When Candida is overproduced it’s called Candida Overgrowth Syndrome.
Causes of Candida Overgrowth Syndrome
Treating Candida Overgrowth
To treat Candida overgrowth you much first stop the yeast from spreading. To do that, clean up your diet.
- Ditch the refined carbohydrates, gluten and sugars (click here for 7 tips to kick your sugar cravings)
- Avoid processed foods that hinder gut health
- Avoid inflammatory foods that hurt the GI tract
- Lay off the alcohol
- Incorporate coconut oil into your diet. Coconut oil has antimicrobial properties that fight Candida.
It’s important to eat healthy, easily digested foods in order to heal your digestive tract. Healing the lining of your intestinal tract will stop toxic byproduct from leaking into your bloodstream.
Rebuild Good Gut Bacteria
One of the most effective ways to rebuild your gut health is take a daily probiotic supplement. Probiotics are healthy living bacteria that help keep your gut (and body) healthy. Essential Flora-7 contains 7 superior strains that will help kill candida overgrowth and improve your digestive health.
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